Restroom Cleaning
Restroom Cleaning is Vital to the Health of a Facility
Restroom cleaning scores the top spot as the number one building maintenance concern year after year. It almost certainly holds the title as the number one building health hazard too. That’s because the public restroom is a primary source of bacteria within a building. More alarming, studies confirm that many pollutants originate in the restroom and ultimately make their way throughout a building, endangering the health of occupants and visitors. In reality, you can’t have a truly healthy building without hygienically cleaned restrooms.
No Touch Cleaning
Learn how Kaivac's No-Touch Cleaning® systems make cleaning restrooms easier.
Solving the Restroom Problem
Public restrooms are a major challenge. They're expensive, they're difficult to clean, and they r...
Welcome to the Bio-Hazardous Waste Transfer Station
The key to cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in the restroom lies in defining what this space ...